Always in Motion
Expanding capacities for cancer therapy

As a long-time partner in the battle against cancer, we at Heraeus Precious Metals business line Pharmaceutical Ingredients have made a significant investment into our new state-of-the-art production line for platinum containing highly active pharmaceutical ingredients (hAPIs). Take a sneak peek of our new facilities in our video.

Dr. Marcus Hannakam
"My hAPI team is your road to success."

Dr. Marcus Hannakam

Dr. Gabi Ohlendorf
"Score with our know-how and services."

Dr. Gabi Ohlendorf

Ines zum Hebel
"Comprehensive regulatory support is my passion."

Ines zum Hebel

Dr. Holger Rauter
"Our R & D experts - your asset in all CMC phases."

Dr. Holger Rauter


